Many of the photographs on this website appear with the kind permission of top photographer Brian O’Connor. His website includes an incredible array of jazz performers caught in the moment and is well worth a visit.
Similar acknowledgement is due to ace snapper Richard Kaby who’s superb work who’s superb work also features throughout the site. Richard’s massive archive is here.
Thanks Brian and Richard for your generosity.
For some years our very own resident lensman Brian Browning has been accumulating a considerable body of work, many shot in the old club, a somewhat challenging photographic environment what with the red lights and rather prominent toilet signs.
Sadly, Brian passed away in October 2016. His framed photographs which hang in the club provide a lasting memorial to his enthusiasm and a reminder to his many friends of how much we miss him.
Further credit and thanks to Doug Hamilton for his ongoing contribution to photographic content throughout the site.
ESJC Branding + Website Development by Diablo.